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Content-Length 38.64 kB
Size 1024x1024
Frosty Penguins: Celebrate the season with Frosty Penguins! These festive and mysterious birds bring a touch of holiday magic to the world of Stealth Creations. Each Frosty Penguin is unique, spreading icy charm and winter joy. Don’t miss the coolest drop of the season!
Acessories Necklace 10.5%
Background Blue 7.7%
Clothes Black Tshirt 5.4%
Eyes Glaring 6.1%
Hat and Hair Caesar 2.4%
Mouth Brown 21.5%
Nose None 80.5%
Skin Mocha Glide 8.3%

Total Rarity Score: 117.03

Rarity: #195/1000

Frosty Penguins #596

Collection: Frosty Penguins

Minted 2 months ago by stars1ax..akmn. Currently owned by stars1ax..akmn.