Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 180.24 kB
Size 1200x1200
The Celestine Sloth Society is a leisurely consortium of 2500 serene sloths. This eclectic mix hails from every corner of space and time across the Cosmoverse.
backdrops green 13.34%
body mocha 42.45%
clothing red-open-button-up 2.08%
extras none 62.1%
eyes side 10.95%
eyes accessory none 42.13%
headgear blue-white-red-cap 1.84%
laziness super-lazy 16.63%
markings medium 23.81%
mouth corner-tongue 2.28%
nose full 94.04%

Total Rarity Score: 180.52

Rarity: #1893/10000

the Celestine Sloth Society 921

Collection: Sloths test GopLend