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Ink Wraiths glided through the land, their ethereal forms a dance of dark elegance. Null Realm, the domain of the Nullifier, a place of monochrome silence and stillness, where color fears to tread.
Accessory none 42.65%
Background NullRealm 2.84%
Bonk Power 61 0.41%
Chonk Level 21 0.41%
Fluffitude 54 0.16%
Health 66 0.08%
Munch Power 27 4.96%
Pet Demeanor melancholic mist 0.08%
Pet Type Ink Wraith 1.62%
Snoofability 26 1.14%
Snugglability 56 0.16%
Whisker Wisdom 24 7.47%
Zoomies 29 5.85%

Total Rarity Score: 4423.05

Rarity: #37/1231

Bad Pets: Inkwell Odyssey #1209: Inkfiend

Collection: Bad Pets: Inkwell Oddysey