Content-Type image/gif
Content-Length 16.98 MB
Size 768x768
Dogs were overjoyed with the abundance of sticks to play with and endless fields to run through. Sketchleaf Forest, a mystical woodland where each leaf and branch is a masterstroke of nature's own sketch.
Accessory hoodie -
Background Sketchleaf Forest -
Bonk Power 29 -
Chonk Level 25 -
Fluffitude 25 -
Health 148 -
Munch Power 35 -
Pet Demeanor happy -
Pet Type dog -
Snoofability 25 -
Snugglability 30 -
Whisker Wisdom 23 -
Zoomies 30 -

This token has no rarity. All tokens have the same rarity score.

Bad Pets: Inkwell Odyssey #391

Collection: Bad Pets: Inkwell Oddysey