Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 1.61 MB
Size 1558x1558
Weird Friends is a collection of unique hand drawn characters. This guy has the ability to envelop oneself in a fiery aura that burns any who come too close.
age 23 14.29%
athleticism 199 14.29%
charisma 156 14.29%
gas flame 250 14.29%
intellect 167 14.29%
luck 177 14.29%
race spellbinder 14.29%
strength 210 14.29%
weirdness 111 14.29%

Total Rarity Score: 63

This token has no rarity. All tokens have the same rarity score.


Collection: Test

Minted a year ago by stars1u7..9ure. Currently owned by stars169..ngyt.