Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 214.53 kB
Size 1200x1200
The Celestine Sloth Society is a leisurely consortium of 2500 serene sloths. This eclectic mix hails from every corner of space and time across the Cosmoverse.
backdrops blue -
body grey-and-mossy -
clothing white-oxford-copy -
extras blue-yarn-ball -
eyes sleepy -
eyes accessory none -
headgear orange-headwrap -
laziness very-lazy -
markings medium -
mouth yell -
nose full -

This token has no rarity. All tokens have the same rarity score.

The Celestine Sloth Society 1404

Collection: Celestine Sloth Society V3

Minted 11 months ago by stars1vs..9hy9. Currently owned by stars1vs..9hy9.