"Sg721": {
"creator": "stars1uqu3q8tca4v30zehndhvq8ascp0uwmgrp2udsf",
"description": "PixYield Guardians is a collection of 10,000 legendary NFTs from PixYieldNFT, featuring majestic dragons as symbols of protection and prosperity. Owning a Guardian grants passive income, special roles in PixYield World with daily $PIXY rewards, and access to exclusive games. These Guardians also enhance Warrior Lions in battle. Join the adventure and unlock a world of mysteries, treasures, and prosperity with the **PixYield Guardians**.",
"image": "ipfs://bafybeieyqjc2lxxm2372fveegalhwp7puttdznpxk5fp4xftaiakmuytbe/GIF.gif",
"external_link": "https://linktr.ee/PixYieldNFT",
"explicit_content": false,
"start_trading_time": "1724047200000000000",
"royalty_info": null