"Sg721": {
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"description": "Staring out the window at world spinning fast, drowning in the echoes of a voice stuck in the past. Whispers of illusions, thoughts that never end. Old songs from the future, playing in my head. Streetlights flicker softly, shadows on the ground. Tearing through the silence in this quiet town...",
"image": "ipfs://bafybeigitwht7lrmifnpm55n7q2kg7olyweuyj5z2q77j7mvlppnlbv72i/planznft_ECHO_IN_THE_PAST_neon_sign_in_the_distance_a6b42a70-5c70-4af9-9bf2-0a43c8bd7cf7.png",
"external_link": null,
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"start_trading_time": "1718236800000000000",
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